I added a little more single crochet to make a wider band...and a few color changes...LOVE IT!
Step 1: You chain 16 and do row after row of 15 single crochets until it wraps all the way around your head.
I did two colors and changed color halfway through. Looks like the beginning of a scarf.
(I think it was about 3o rows of each color for a 7 year old about 34 of each for my big noggin), and I started both colors off the chain so I would know how many rows to do...kinda like burning the candle at both ends! It was my first one so I didn't know how many rows to do to fit my big head.)
Step 2: With a yarn needle, I sewed the beginning to the end and then sewed the top of the tube together.
Step 3: Then I did 9 rows of single crochet around to form the "band" (I did three purple, one orange, one purple, one orange, and three more purple rows.)
When you lay it flat it looks like a rectangle. Pom poms are 12 strands of 2 colors 7 inch long pieces (2 colors so 24 in all) tied in the center and sewed to the top corners.